What You Probably Don’t Know About Massages

Do you need help with massage techniques? Are you aware of what goes into a good massage? Read on to learn all about massage therapy. You may be amazed at how a few simple massage techniques can improve the massages you give.

When giving a massage, consider using a little bit of oil. Oil helps you to rub your hands over the skin more easily, and it also makes it easier to go deeper with pressure while giving the massage. Almond oil, olive oil and baby oil are all good choices. If you wish, add a little essential oil to make the massage fragrant.

Feeling a little blue? Go get a massage! The health benefits of massage are numerous, and studies have shown that one of the benefits of massage is elevated serotonin. Serotonin is a neurochemical that makes us feel happy, yet lack of sleep, hormone fluctuations, gloomy weather and poor diets can lower your body’s natural serotonin stores.

Olive oil is exceptional for massage. Oil is absorbed by the skin more easily than gel or lotion, and it is more pleasant to handle and to feel on the skin. It will also allow your hands to move much more smoothly across the skin.

Put your thinking on hold. One of the most difficult, yet essential elements of getting the most out of a massage is relaxing your mental state. Try to start doing some deep breathing while the therapist is setting up. Imagine that, with every inhale, you gather all the nagging and stressful thoughts in your head. On the exhale, envision blowing all of these thoughts out into space, gone forever. Keep repeating until you feel yourself relaxing.

Avoid holding your breath while your massage therapist is working. You may have knots that are extremely painful, yet the therapist cannot massage them out effectively if you hold your breath. Try to breathe through the muscle pain, and use a combination of deep breathing and visualization. In your mind, picture the area and imagine the knot is a lump of butter, melting in the warm sunshine.

The Japanese love to engage in a form of massage called shiatsu. This uses the pressure from the masseuse’s fingers pressed in a rhythm on your acupuncture meridians. The pressure is applied for a few to many seconds, boosting energy flow and returning the body to balance. It doesn’t leave you sore, either!

The legs are very important when giving a massage. Many of the largest muscles in the body are in the legs, and these are often the most used. Be responsive to your partner when massaging their legs and try to encompass the entire muscle group. Start up high around the butt and work your way down to the ankles.

If you are a woman, don’t swear off men massage therapists. Since most women are modest, they often feel uncomfortable in front of a male massage therapist. However, some women have reported that the best massage they have gotten in a long time is from a male massage therapist. Whatever your decision, don’t just base it on the sex of the massage therapist.

If you suffer from medical conditions such as high blood pressure or are pregnant, speak up before getting your massage. In most cases, a massage will still be safe, but the technique will probably need to be adjusted. A professional massage therapist can help you get the relaxation you are seeking while remaining safe if you are willing to speak up.

If you are battling cancer it can really take a toll on your body. You are probably feeling a little depressed, some anxiety, fatigue and nausea from the treatments and the diagnosis in general. Having a massage has been proven to help fight off all of these symptoms, which can help you to fight even that much harder to beat it.

You can massage your eyes to make your headaches go away. If you have tired eyes, you should rub your hands together until your palms get warm. Place your warm hands over your eyes and let your palms warm up your eyes. The warmth will relax the muscles located in your eyes.

If you’re pregnant, then you may find it beneficial to get regular prenatal massages. This helps you feel better as well as increase the amount of blood flow your baby receives. Women who get prenatal massages have been known to have children that grow a lot quicker when they’re babies than those that don’t get these massages.

If you are giving a deep tissue massage, incorporate your elbows into it. This may feel uncomfortable at first for the person you are massaging, but is a fantastic way of spreading out the muscle and causing a very pleasurable sensation. Never push too hard though, as this will then feel uncomfortable.

When getting a massage, your actions will help you enjoy the massage more and receive maximum benefits from it. Practice deep breathing exercises while you are getting your massage. Breathe out when pressure is applied and breathe in when pressure is released. This will have an immeasurable impact on the relaxation of your massage.

If you are on the giving end of a very beneficial massage, make sure to read the signs the recipient is showing. During a deep-tissue massage, the body responds to pressure and muscles will actually contract under your finger-tips. Ease up on the pressure when you approach bones and joints and be guided by the response you get!

Massages are known for easing the discomfort of arthritis. That is especially true when you have massages regularly. They can help with relieving stress and increasing circulation.

Do you feel like you know enough to make a significant improvement in the way you give massages? You may, but you also need to use what you’ve learned. All it takes is practice and time, and you are sure to improve your message ability.

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